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2005. Interactive Pattern Search in Time Series (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Inventing Discovery Tools: Combining Information Visualization with Data Mining (2001). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. iSonic: interactive sonification for non-visual data exploration. Proceedings of the 7th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility. :194-195.
2005. Knowledge Discovery in High Dimensional Data: Case Studies and a User Survey for an Information Visualization Tool. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. A Knowledge Integration Framework for Information Visualization. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Information and Knowledge EnvironmentsFrom Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Information and Knowledge Environments. 3379:207-220.
2005. A Knowledge Integration Framework for Information Visualization (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Leonardo's laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies. Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :1-1.
2005. The limits of speech recognition: Understanding acoustic memory and appreciating prosody (2000). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Listening to Maps: User Evaluation of Interactive Sonifications of Geo-Referenced Data. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Listening to Maps: User Evaluation of Interactive Sonifications of Geo-Referenced Data (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Maintaining concentration to achieve task completion. Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Designing for User eXperience. :9-9.
2005. Maintaining concentration to achieve task completion. Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Designing for User eXperience.
2005. Making Computer and Internet Usability a Priority (2000). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Meaningful presentations of photo libraries: rationale and applications of bi-level radial quantum layouts. Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2005. JCDL '05. :188-196.
2005. MediaFinder: An Interface for Dynamic Personal Media Management with Semantic Regions (2003). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Motivating annotation for personal digital photo libraries: Lowering barriers while raising incentives. University of Marlyand.
2005. Ordered and Quantum Treemaps: Making Effective Use of 2D Space to Display Hierarchies (2001). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. A Photo History of SIGCHI: Evolution of Design from Personal to Public (2002). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Promoting Universal Usability with Multi-Layer Interface Design (2003). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. A Rank-by-Feature Framework for Interactive Exploration of Multidimensional Data (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. A Rank-by-Feature Framework for Interactive Exploration of Multidimensional Data. Information VisualizationInformation Visualization. 4(2):96-113.
2005. Representing Unevenly-Spaced Time Series Data for Visualization and Interactive Exploration (2005). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
2005. Representing Unevenly-Spaced Time Series Data for Visualization and Interactive Exploration. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005. 3585:835-846.