VAST 2009 challenge: An insider threat

TitleVAST 2009 challenge: An insider threat
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsGrinstein G, Scholtz J, Whiting M, Plaisant C
Conference NameVisual Analytics Science and Technology, 2009. VAST 2009. IEEE Symposium on
Date Published2009/10//
Keywords2009, analytics;data, analytics;geospatial, challenge;cyber, data;security, information, information;human, interaction;network, interfaces;, network;visual, traffic, user, VAST, video;social, visualisation;graphical

The 4th VAST Challenge centered on a cyber analytics scenario and offered three mini-challenges with datasets of badge and network traffic data, a social network including geospatial information, and security video. Teams could also enter the Grand challenge which combined all three datasets. In this paper, we summarize the dataset, the overall scenario and the questions asked in the challenges. We describe the judging process and new infrastructure developed to manage the submissions and compute accuracy measures in the social network mini challenge. We received 49 entries from 30 teams, and gave 23 different awards to a total of 16 teams.
