Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance Computation and Visualization of Plasma Turbulence

TitleUsing Graphics Processors for High-Performance Computation and Visualization of Plasma Turbulence
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsStantchev G, Juba D, Dorland W, Varshney A
JournalComputing in Science Engineering
Pagination52 - 59
Date Published2009/04//march
ISBN Number1521-9615
Keywordsanalysis;parallel, computation;parallel, computing;numerical, direct, engineering, numerical, PROCESSING, processing;plasma, processors;data, simulation;graphics, systems;nuclear, turbulence, turbulence;, units;high-performance, visualisation;multiprocessing, visualization;single-program-multiple-data

Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulence is computationally intensive and typically relies on some form of parallel processing. The authors present techniques to map DNS computations to modern graphics processing units (GPUs), which are characterized by very high memory bandwidth and hundreds of SPMD (single-program-multiple-data) processors.
