Analyzing Incident Management Event Sequences with Interactive Visualization

TitleAnalyzing Incident Management Event Sequences with Interactive Visualization
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsGuerra Gómez J, Wongsuphasawat K, Wang TD, Pack M, Plaisant C
JournalTransportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers
Date Published2011///

While traditional safety and incident analysis has mostly focused on incident attributesdata, such as the location and time of the incident, there are other aspects in incident response
that are temporal in nature and are more difficult to analyze. We describe a visual analytics tool
for temporal data exploration, called LifeFlow, used for the analysis of incident response data.
LifeFlow provides user-controlled overviews of event sequences (e.g. notification, arrival,
clearance etc). It allows analysts to interactively explore temporal patterns, find anomalies in
sequences and compare management practices. This type of analysis can potentially lead to
process improvements and save human lives. We used NCHRP traffic incident data with more
than 200,000 incidents are reported by 8 different agencies in a period of about 28 months. Our
experience suggest that even non expert analysts can spot many anomalies in the data using the
LifeFlow overviews, and are able to rapidly ask many questions and find differences between