Samir Khuller

3369 A.V. Williams Building
(301) 405-6765
Ph.D., Cornell University
Special Awards/Honors: 
NSF Career Award, University Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Samir Khuller is a professor in the Department of Computer Science.

His research interests are broadly in combinatorial optimization with a focus on graph algorithms, discrete optimization, and data storage management. Khuller has published many journal and conference papers, and several book chapters on these topics. He was the PC Chair for the 2000 Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX) Conference and served on the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2003 committee, as well as the committees for the 1997 and 2007 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) Conference.

Khuller received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, the Dean's Teaching Excellence Award, and also a CTE-Lilly Teaching Fellowship. In 2003, he and his students were awarded the "Best newcomer paper" award for the ACM Principles of Database Systems (PODS) Conference. He received the University of Maryland's Distinguished Scholar Teacher Award in 2007 and a Google Research Award. He is an editor for the journals, Networks and Algorithmica.

Khuller received his undergraduate degree from IIT Kanpur, and his doctorate from Cornell University in 1990. He spent two years as a research associate at UMIACS, before joining the Department of Computer Science. He was the associate chair for graduate studies from 2004 to 2008.

Go here to view Khuller's academic publications on Google Scholar.



Khuller S, Schieber B.  1992.  On independent spanning trees. Information Processing Letters. 42(6):321-323.

Aggarwal A, Bar-Noy A, Khuller S, Kravets D, Schieber B.  1992.  Efficient minimum cost matching using quadrangle inequality. Foundations of Computer Science, 1992. Proceedings., 33rd Annual Symposium on.


Khuller S, Vazirani VV.  1991.  Planar graph coloring is not self-reducible, assuming P ≠ NP. Theoretical Computer Science. 88(1):183-189.


Khuller S, Mitchell JSB.  1990.  On a triangle counting problem. Information Processing Letters. 33(6):319-321.

Khuller S.  1990.  Coloring algorithms for K5-minor free graphs. Information Processing Letters. 34(4):203-208.


Khuller S.  1989.  On computing graph closures. Information Processing Letters. 31(5):249-255.

Khuller S, Schieber B.  1989.  Efficient parallel algorithms for testing connectivity and finding disjoint s-t paths in graphs. Foundations of Computer Science, 1989., 30th Annual Symposium on.
